
The CVM has many stakeholder groups. For Curricular review to be successful, it must represent the needs of – and engage with – all stakeholders in some way.  To this end, we have opened lines of communication regarding the curriculum with faculty, students, CVM staff, DVMs in the field, DVM employers, and graduate students.  Communication has been, and will continue to be, bi-lateral between curriculum committees and stakeholders.  Thus far, we have drawn information about curricular needs from stakeholders, shared information on committee progress, and opened the floor to discussion of proposed directions.

Between January and June, 2019, we held 10 Feedback Sessions, 9 Round Tables, and 2 Town Halls with Faculty, Staff, and Students.  We also surveyed dozens of DVMs and DVM employers and met with representatives from various fields.

We will be continuing to listen and share throughout the review process, so please keep an eye out for the next round of invitations to the discussion!


Residents & Clients

These are stakeholder groups we have yet to develop direct lines of communication with.  We will be looking into this beginning early Fall Semester, 2019.