Review Findings & Discussions

In December 2019, the Committee gathered its findings into a Report with an Executive Summary for sharing with the CVM.  Included with these is a powerpoint for guiding roundtable and town hall discussions.

Review Full Report

Review Executive Summary

Review Powerpoint Presentation

Representatives will be attending Department Meetings throughout the semester, as well as scheduling series of Roundtables for Faculty & Staff, Focus conversations with Graduates and Employers, and Student Group meetings.

Roundtable schedule for January & February

Content Week                     Jan 22nd, 10:00   RE-101
                                             Jan 23rd,  2:00     RE-101
Student Experience Wk     Jan 27th,  10:00     B-222
                                             Jan 30th,  1:00     D-236
Ed Practices Wk                  Feb 11th,  3:00    B-222
                                             Feb 12th,  11:00   B-222
Assessment Wk                 Feb 26th,  12:15   B-222
                                            Feb 27th,  10:00   B-222