AVMA Standards

To remain a fully accredited College of Veterinary Medicine, we are required by the AVMA Council on Education to review the curriculum no less than every 7 years.  Curriculum Review speaks primarily to two standards for accreditation:

Standard 9:  Curriculum:

  • sufficient flexibility in curriculum planning and management to facilitate timely revisions in response to emerging issues, and advancements in knowledge and technology.
  • as a whole must be reviewed at least every seven (7) years
  • …evaluations should … assure the curriculum content provides current concepts and principles as well as instructional quality and effectiveness


Standard 11:  Outcomes

  • must include…evidence of direct observation of students performing and/or having attained entry level competence in skills that demonstrate mastery of the nine competencies.
  • Processes must be in place to provide remediation for any of the nine competencies in which students do not demonstrate competence.