Curriculum Strategic Plan Steering Committee

The curricular review is led by a team of faculty and staff representing a broad spectrum of focus areas, departments, and student years.  All members are expected to listen and contribute to discussion and decisions openly.  Furthermore, members serve as ambassadors, contributing to two-way communication about the process in unit, department, and college-level meetings. 

Stage 1:  Curricular Strategic Plan Steering Committee

(CSPSC or “Steering Committee”)

The Steering Committee was responsible for identifying, collecting, and synthesizing information needed to address the charges below and for the collation and communication of findings and recommendations to stakeholder groups.


  1. Define desired outcomes for graduates from the NC State DVM program (knowledge, skills, and dispositions). These outcomes may be broad and should reflect our identity and aspirations as a College, be informed by current and emerging trends in the veterinary job market, and be attentive to student and graduate wellness and diversity.
  2. Identify what information or evidence would reflect successful attainment of graduate outcomes. Though broad, this evidence must ensure that all students within the DVM program develop desired competence through key points within the curriculum, exhibit day-one competence prior to graduation, and experience professional success into their early careers.  This evidence should be informed by competency-based medical and veterinary educational frameworks.  This evidence should also consider dimensions of wellness, career/species focus, and diversity.
  3. Define characteristics of the DVM curriculum that will maximize the likelihood of all students attaining desired outcomes. Though they may be broad, these characteristics should consider and be informed by accreditation standards, current educational theory and practice, wellness, flexibility, and accessibility for students.  Moreover, consideration should be given to the roles and experiences of faculty and staff in developing, delivering, evaluating, and continually adapting the curriculum.  


CSPSC  (Stage 1) Roster Laura Nelson (Chair) Jesse Watson (Coordinator)
Eli Cohen Matt Gerard Lysa Posner
John Gadsby Kathy Lunn Brenda Stevens
Megan Jacob Jennifer Neel Ken Royal
Adam Birkenheuer Regina Schoenfeld Amy Snyder
Derek Foster Rocio Crespo Jeon John



The CSPSC met twice monthly for an hour each from January through April 2019.

Each member also participated in specialized Working Groups for Skills Content Design, Knowledge Content Design, and Dispositional Development Design.